Maury Baskin
Concurrent Block
Wednesday, November 15, 2023; 
01:15 PM-02:15 PM
The Secret Ingredient in the Formula for Connection
Speaker: Molly Ketcham, Interaction Expert
Self-awareness is not only the foundation of emotional intelligence, but also the secret ingredient for building relationships, creating confidence and engaging with life. You are half of the equation when you are connecting with another person. The better you understand who you are, the easier it is to discover the connection. The more confidence you have, the more focus you’ll place on others. The broader your perspective, the more open your mindset.
People with high levels of self-awareness have been shown to be high-performers, better negotiators and more effective leaders. Enhance your team communications and effectiveness by discovering and practicing methods for developing self-awareness.
P.I.V.O.T.: How To Lead Teams Through Crisis, Challenge and Change
Speaker: Dr. Mary Kelly, U.S. Navy (Retired)
As effective leaders, we have to be able to help our people P.I.V.O.T. through crisis by renewing their sense of purpose, influencing and inspiring others to take the right action, assessing volatility levels, seeing opportunities and providing the right tools, techniques and technology that allow people to succeed. Then you can apply seven leadership reminders to provide the right response to the right people at the right time to achieve the right outcomes.
Common Pitfalls That ABC Chapters Face in Handling Accountability
Speaker: Michael D. Comer, Hayes Group International